It may be a bit perverse, but I wanted to hit a Windows EC2 instance from my Mac. After a little hitch getting started, I got it to work. There are a few quirks about accessing Windows instances, though.

First off, SSH is not enabled by default. You'll need to use remote desktop to access your instance. Remote desktop uses port 3389, so the first step is to create a new security group for Windows desktop access

$ ec2-add-group windows -d 'Windows remote desktop access'
GROUP    windows    Windows remote desktop access

Then, allow access to port 3389 from your desired origin. I'm allowing it from anywhere, which isn't a great idea, but I'm on the road a lot. I never know what the hotel's network origin will be.

$ ec2-authorize windows -p 3389 -P tcp
GROUP        windows    
PERMISSION        windows    ALLOWS    tcp    3389    3389    FROM    CIDR

Obviously, you could add that permission to any existing group that you already use.

There's a bit of a song and dance to log in. Where Linux instances typically use SSH with public-key authentication, Windows server requires a typed password. Amazon has come up with a reasonable, but slightly convoluted, way to extract a randomized password.

You will need to start your instance in the new security group and with a keypair. The docs could be a little clearer, in that here you're providing the name of the keypair as it was registered with EC2. The first few times I tried this, I was giving it the path of the file containing the keypair, which doesn't work.

$ ec2-describe-keypairs
KEYPAIR    devkeypair    02:10:65:9e:51:73:7e:93:bd:30:e2:5d:91:03:d5:e1:d4:0e:c0:f4
$ ec2-run-instances ami-782bcf11 -g windows -k devkeypair
RESERVATION    r-82429ceb    001356815600    windows
INSTANCE    i-f172db98    ami-782bcf11            pending    devkeypair    0        m1.small    2008-10-23T20:01:36+0000    us-east-1a            windows

After all that, and waiting through a Windows boot cycle, you can access the Windows desktop through RDP.

What's that? You don't have an RDP client, because you're a Mac user? I like CoRD for that. I also saw a lot of references to rdesktop, which is available through Darwin Ports. (For today, I wasn't prepared to install Ports just to try out the Windows EC2 instance!)

Extract the public IP address of your instance:

$ ec2-describe-instances
RESERVATION    r-82429ceb    001356815600    windows
INSTANCE    i-f172db98    ami-782bcf11    domU-12-31-39-02-48-31.compute-1.internal    running    devkeypair    0        m1.small    2008-10-23T20:01:36+0000    us-east-1a        windows

Fire up CoRD and paste the IP address into "Quick Connect".

Well, now what? Obviously, you'll use "Administrator" as the username, but what's the password? There's a new command in the latest release of ec2-api-tools called "ec2-get-password".

$ ec2-get-password i-f172db98 -k keys/devkeypair.pem

Note that this time, I'm using the path of my keypair file. EC2 uses this to decrypt the password from the instance's console output. At boot time, Windows prints out the password, encrypted with the public key from the keypair you named when starting the instance.

Success at last: fully logged in to my virtual Windows server from my Mac desktop.